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Shallow Water Blackout Prevention?

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Dr. Rhonda Milner’s interview with Swimming World Magazine at the American Swim Coaches Association World Clinic, Sept 11, 2014.

Rhonda Milner talks about creating an organization that she hopes will increase awareness of the dangers of shallow water blackout. She talks about the warning signs that swimmers, coaches and parents should look for to help prevent more deaths.

Bob Bowman is best known for coaching the 18-time Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps. Together with Cathy Bennett he discusses the very serious topic of Shallow Water Blackout. Even experienced athletes can become a victim of this tragic phenomenon where oxygen is deprived from a swimmer’s system during practice which can lead to drowning. This insightful presentation will help to prepare even highly experienced coaches to provide a safer environment for their swimmers. Please visit this link to view this free presentation.

“Hypoxic Training: A Risk Analysis” by Shawn P. DeRosa The Manager of Aquatic Facilities & Safety Officer for Intercollegiate Athletics at Pennsylvania State University writes in detail about the extreme risks of hypoxic training. Click here to view.

Dr. Tom Griffiths ABC for SWB

“The Dangers of Shallow Water Blackout” in Get Out There Magazine by Dr. Tom Griffiths and Rachel Griffiths. Click here to view.

“Resisted and Assisted Pool Training” by Ronald Hehn, Swimming World Magazine. Click here to view.